From International Club President to aspiring Junior class secretary, sophomore Mackenzie Frost is a future leader in the making. 

Currently, Frost is running for Junior Class Secretary for the 2023-2024 school year. 

“I want the opportunity to help the community and our high school. I think involvement is so crucial for the success of our student body and I want to inspire and encourage people to share their ideas,” Frost says. 

Frost hopes to use her platform as secretary to ease the stress of junior year and help her classmates. 

Additionally, Frost has taken part in many leadership opportunities in her short time at AHS. With these experiences, Frost is able to help others and connect with the community. 

Hugh O’ Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY) is a scholarship designed to produce future leaders. It is a state leadership program for sophomores that takes place over a three day period over the summer. 

“I applied so I could get more comfortable with the idea of leadership and taking control of certain situations. I wanted to push out of my comfort zone and start interacting with other young people who aspire to be leaders in society as well,” says Frost. 

Frost does hope to take part in more leadership experiences in the future whether it is as secretary or as a club officer. 

Some advice for future underclassmen she has is: “Sometimes applying yourself to things out of your comfort zone can transform you into an inspiring leader.” 

As Frost’s sophomore year comes to an end, she feels accomplished and stable with her academic life. She is excited for her future at AHS. 

By Aditi Sanghavi

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