The Scream series, or at this point, franchise, is one that will never be cut, stabbed, slashed, or any other synonym you can name. At what seems like hundreds of character deaths, the movies have lived on since the debut of the original in 1996.

Nearly twenty years later Scream VI haunts theaters one more time with a storyline specifically extending from the fifth movie. 

Scream V and Scream VI took a new angle of ghost-face as the story began following the daughter of Billy Loomis, Sam Carpenter. After her defensive murder in the fifth movie the public began labeling her as the murderous descendant of her father now working to continue his legacy.

The new ghost-face throughout Sceam VI has the usual agenda of murder, but with the new twist of attempting to frame Sam for his work. Rather than kill her, ghost-face has taken on the job of ruining her life as she lives in the infamous shadow of her father.

Teaming up with alumni in the franchise including Kirby, played by Hayden Panettiere, and Gale Weathers, played by Courtnry Cox, Sam is able to construct a plan within the bustling New York City landscape to trap and unmask their new ghost-face. Alongside these stars Jenna Ortega was also in the spotlight as Sam’s sister, Tara Carpenter. 

Originally going into the sixth movie of the series, especially after them continuously getting worse since the original, I had very low expectations. My friend and I went hoping for a couple jump scares and possibly some laughs from the inevitable plot holes, but ended up being pleasantly horrified.

The plot of the film was executed well as it was intriguing throughout with just enough plot twists and gore any Scream-lover would enjoy. Even the new characters to the series were characterized well enough for the audience to empathize with them and care about their outcome.

A few romantic plots took the back burner to the overall film, again connecting the audience with the characters, but not taking away from the film and horror itself. 

The most pleasant surprise from the film was not being able to predict the ending. About half way through I was almost certain I knew who ghost-face was, but in the end I was completely caught off guard by who the villain was.

Overall, I would completely recommend this movie to any fan of the Scream series, or even those who enjoy scary movies as Scream VI can provide the blood-curdling adrenaline rush we all crave. 

BY Kennedy Austin

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