The hit Netflix show Outer Banks recently released its third season for fans to watch. Over the years, this show has rapidly exploded in popularity, and still continues to. In the first season I got really hooked, and I grew to be a fan  – for a while. However, I find many things very confusing as the seasons of the show continue. Is it a bad show? Not necessarily, but it is definitely one of the most overrated. 

When I watched the first season, it seemed like just a typical teen drama show set in modern day. It shows heists and the battles between teens in the lower class called Pogues, and teens in the wealthier class, called Kooks. Although there are many quests and the cast goes through to find hidden treasure, this show didn’t really stand out to me compared to other shows. However, I do like how a majority of the characters are teenagers, so many of the viewers can relate more to them. 

The first season came out in 2020, when many people were in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many people who were bored, I decided to give this show a try. The main character John B, is on the quest for treasure linked to his father’s disappearance. John B also brings three friends along the way, JJ, Pope, and Kiara to help with his quest. 

There are many different genres and scenes throughout the show, which can make the show a little confusing to understand. Despite the quest however, there are many love connections. Pogue, John B and Kook, Sarah Cameron fall in love with each other throughout the first season, which leads to many conflicts between the Pogues and Kooks. I personally find the love connections as the best part of the show, and I feel like we don’t get a deep enough dive into the relationships going on.

I feel like the different types of scenes and genres clustered together into this one show just make it incredibly hard to grasp. Because one minute you get a very emotional scene between two characters, and the next another person is fighting for their life trying to find hidden treasure.

Despite the confusion going on in the show, I didn’t think the first season was too terrible. So when the second season was released in summer 2021, I decided to give the first few episodes a watch. The concept was in the exact same format with the previous season, which honestly really annoyed me. They were still trying to find more treasure, and all of the characters are still risking their lives to find this treasure. 

After the first three episodes of the second season, I decided to stop watching the show because I felt it just got boring and too repetitive. I genuinely don’t see the “hype” about this show, because it really is just a bunch of teenagers finding treasure, and it’s the same for every season. I don’t plan on watching the third season, but I’m very curious of what fans will say about it. If you like the same concept, and like heists, then this show is great. However, if you don’t like repetitive scripts, and if you don’t like multiple genres all at once, this show is not for you.

BY: Livvy Frissore

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