It does not feel like Christmas until I see Tim Allen riding Santa’s sleigh or making his way down a chimney. Tim Allen is the younger generation’s Santa Clause due to his performances in Santa Clause, Santa Clause 2, and Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause. 

The first Santa Clause movie starring Tim Allen aired in 1994. Over the next 12 years, two other Santa Clause movies were released making these Christmas classics a trilogy. In each movie, Santa was faced with a new challenge while also having to take care of all the children in the world so you could say he “had a lot on his back.” 

In the first movie, Santa Clause, Tim Allen’s character, Scott Calvin, was a divorced man who was only focused on work and was struggling to connect with his son. Until one night when his life changed forever and he became Santa Clause. This movie shows his struggle with coming to terms with the fact that he is the new Santa Clause. In the second movie, Santa Clause 2, Scott needs to find a Mrs. Clause, or else he will no longer be Santa. In Santa Clause 3, Santa has to worry about keeping the secret of Santa from Mrs. Clause’s parents, he is going to be a new father, and he has to deal with the evil doings of Jack Frost. No matter what, Santa is always able to save the day because “he delivers.” 

For the last 16 years, we have not known what Santa has been up to until now. The Santa Clauses is a television series on Disney Plus. In this new series Santa realizes that it might be time for him to retire because he has been doing this job for 28 years and is starting to run out of magic. Santa sets out to find a replacement Santa and to find a place for him and his family to live south of the pole. 

Allen said, “To be on set again with so many of the original cast was like seeing family again. It’s almost as if time had stood still other than my age. I look younger now in the Santa makeup than I do out of it.” 

We see in this new series that Mr. and Mrs. Clause have two children: the boy they had at the end of the last movie and a girl. The series consists of 6 total episodes; each is about 30 minutes long. The Santa Clauses is a tribute to the Christmas Classics as it has all of the same actors as the originals. The two main actors are Tim Allen who plays Santa Clause and Elizabeth Mitchell who plays Mrs. Clause. 

Once Santa retires he and his family have to readjust to the real world. It takes time but they learn to adapt and are excited to spend their first “normal” Christmas together. Everything is going great until the new Santa starts destroying Christmas magic and the north pole begins to disappear. Scott realizes that he retired too early and hired the wrong guy for the job. He has to go back to the North Pole to save Christmas. 

Allen said, “The team working on the series found a brilliant way to incorporate the true reason for the Christmas season into the story. It’s really wonderful. They took a chance, and we did it really well.” 

The Santa Clause is not only different from the originals because it is a T.V. series but also because there is an emphasis on the religious aspects of Christmas. This addition of religion to the series was important to Tim Allen and was a deciding factor for taking on this role once again for the series. 

If Tim Allen is your childhood Santa Clause and if you have always loved the movies then you will love the series even more. 



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